Friday, November 9, 2012

Here Comes The Story Of The Hurricane

What an adventure the East Coast is!

It’s been a few weeks since I last updated; we’ve been a bit busy. I’ll try to give some highlights so this doesn’t get too long winded. J

On October 18th we got free tickets to the Ringling Bros. Barnum and Bailey’s Circus. Being as PT Barnum was Bridgeport’s mayor and all, it felt pretty cool. And who doesn’t love a good circus? I mean, they lit a man on fire and shot him out of a giant cross bow. What more could you want out of life?

The next night (Friday) we joined some Fairfield Prep Juniors for dinner during their Urban Plunge weekend. Urban Plunge introduces students to issues of urban injustice. We shared a meal with them and then answered questions about what we are doing and why on earth we’d want to do it. It was great to share our experience so far with them, and they were great hosts.

Saturday Meghan and I participated in an AIDS walk here in Bridgeport. There were speakers and testimonies, a walk, dancing, and food. It was cool to walk, to raise awareness and collect donations. It was moving to hear people’s stories. It was an honor to share in the beauty of the day, the celebration of life and hope. After the walk, we joined the rest of the house at the Shehan Center (Sophie’s Placement) for a meeting about the haunted house we were going to be participating in the next weekend! We were put in charge of turning the 2nd floor into a creepy insane asylum. Let the planning begin!

The next week was spent preparing for the Taylor Center’s big fundraiser party – a 70’s themed disco dance! It was kind of a whirl wind of last minute fundraising, preparing silent auction ballets and decorations and finding a few more volunteers. The event went well. It wasn’t a great turn out, but we raised some money for the center and people had a good time!

Saturday was the big haunted house! We did some last minute decorating (did you know laundry detergent glows in the dark? …hehe), got into costume, and then the fun began! I wore a straight jacket and spent the night banging against my “cage” (a bed spring propped up against an office door) and scaring the roughly 4 thousand people we had go through! I may have gotten a bit to into character because I ended up with bruises all over my arms and knees. Oops?

After the last group went through we followed them through the rest of the haunted house so that we could see everything. It was pretty creepy! Halloween is great. J

And then, of course, Sandy. Life on the east coast, eh?

Sunday we prepared for the storm, stocking up on water, food, candles, etc. Most of us had off on Monday, so we were home when the power went out at about 2pm. The weather wasn’t too crazy for us; mostly just wind and a bit of rain. We all had off on Tuesday, and then most of us went back to work on Wednesday.
All in all, I think Bridgeport faired okay. The city turned the power off for maybe a day or two, mostly to prevent fires and such when lines went down. There were a lot of trees down, and power lines, and some looting/robbery because of the power outage. The water rose a lot, but I don’t think it did too much damage. There were definitely other areas that got hit much worse.

We were without power for 5 days. It made life a little more difficult, and it was certainly chilly without power for heat, but we were very lucky. We had hot water, and we were able to use our grill to cook hot food. We also really enjoyed the community time the power outage gave us. We spent a lot of time together in our candle lit living room. I kind of loved it. It was intimate and special, and it really forced us to slow down. Obviously we were glad when the power came back on—heat and the ability to use the oven/stove are always nice. But the evenings by candle light were really nice.

Saturday a few of us went to the JV Halloween party in Newark. We drove passed gas stations with blocks and blocks of cars lined up for gas, police at each one in case of trouble. I’ve never seen anything like it. It reinforced how lucky we were that we didn’t get hit harder.

The party was a lot of fun! We went as characters from Doctor Who (a British sci fi show for those of you who clearly live sad, Doctor Who-less lives). Because we’re nerdy like that. The JV parties are always a good time, and I was really glad we went.

We spent election night at our support couple’s house so that we could watch the results come in. We ate pizza and red and blue cupcakes, and drank red and blue (hurray for food coloring!) wine. It was fun to get together with John and Sara again, and we were grateful for the use of their TV.

I’ll say nothing on the outcome, because I’m tired of it and at least half of you don’t want to hear what I have to say anyway. Promise.

Then of course, there was the Nor’easter. Storm country out here, I’m telling you what. We got 6+ beautiful inches of snow! I was quite the happy camper, let me tell you what. Bridgeport citizens seemed a bit less enamored with the snow. But I love it! It’s melting already, but it was lovely while it lasted!

What a wild ride.

I’ve found a church that I really like! They have great music, great preaching, a great community. I’m really excited, because I’ve been looking for a church home out here for a while now. Siobhan and IO have gone to a couple of services, and then this week we joined a Bible study with a few women we’ve met at church. I’m so very blessed.

Original October finished out strong. I miss it already. New November anyone? J

Here are some more highlights of what I did for the second half of the month:

Achieved a 4 man piggy back (a piggy back, on top of a piggy back, on top of a piggy back…I kid you not)
Barnum and Bailey’s Circus
Tried Thai food (Curry and coconut sticky rice)
Tried hot sauce (gross)
Went to an Opening at a gallery down town
Worked a haunted house (one of my favorites!)
Prepared for a hurricane
Experienced a hurricane
Started a charcoal grill (how is it I’ve never done that…?)
Had Halloween postponed by the city of Bridgeport (this was just weird…)

What a great Original October! I’m definitely doing that again next year. Join me?

As usual, I hope everyone is doing well! I miss you, and I’d love to hear from all of you!

Thanks for all the prayers and support/concern, during Sandy and in general. It means a lot to me, and to all of us.

God bless!



  1. Aimee, so happy to hear the update! I love that you find the silver lining in're a true inspiration. We miss you, but knowing how happy you are makes it bearable! Love, aunt kathy

    1. I miss you too! I can't wait to see you guys at Christmas! It's getting close. :)
      I love you!
