Friday, March 8, 2013

When the Snowflakes Storm, When the Rivers Freeze

The weather we’re having this year, I tell you what.

I’m sure most of you heard about that great big dumping of snow we got a few weeks back? It was kind of insane. It started sometime early Friday morning, and by the time we woke up for work it was heavy enough that basically everything in Bridgeport was cancelled or shut down. Granted, this is the East Coast we’re talking about. Minnesota probably would have soldiered through the snow at this point. I stayed up just long enough for breakfast (bacon and carrot cake, breakfast of champions) and then went back to sleep until noon. And so began my first post-college snow day.

Friday afternoon it was falling pretty heavy, but Hannah and I were still able to go out in it for a nice 2 mile walk. After which we came home and ate ice cream, as any sane person would do. It didn’t get really heavy until Friday night. We spent the evening watching the cars on our street slowly disappear until they were vaguely car shaped lumps of snow.

The snow had stopped by the time I woke up on Saturday, but the wind was still blowing it around like crazy. This created some crazy drifts that made it hard to guestimate how much we got, but we think it was about 3 feet. Good stuff man. We couldn’t even open our front door. Hannah and I ventured out into the snow and could barely wade our way down our driveway. One thing was for sure, we wouldn’t be going anywhere for a few days.

Our street got “plowed” on Monday (one tiny lane down the center of our street, very practical…) and we spent a good portion of the day shoveling Hannah’s car out of the driveway. By this point it was warm enough that I was shoveling in a t-shirt, so you can guess how wet and heavy the snow was.

We didn’t get out until Tuesday evening when, driven a little insane from being cooped up for 5 days, we ventured to the grocery store. And what an adventure it was. Bridgeport was a mess. Dear sweet unprepared Connecticut.

All the snow did my Minnesota heart good, but a lot of warm weather and rain melted almost all of it within a couple weeks. Life on the coast I guess.

The rest of the month was pretty busy for us. I do taxes 2 days a week, plus scheduling all the appointments, so that keeps me pretty occupied. It’s cool to be able to offer free tax prep to people in the community, and I’ve gotten to meet so many people through it. Plus, I kind of love doing taxes. Believe me, no one is more surprised than I am.

On Valentines Day I managed to talk my housemates into joining me for my favorite Valentines tradition – watching Silence of the Lambs! There’s just something about Anthony Hopkins playing a sociopath cannibal that just screams Valentines Day. Er…

Ok, I admit it’s unorthodox. But I love it. J

We had guests over a few times in February which was a lot of fun. It’s great to meet my housemates’ friends and get to know them. We also really enjoy extending hospitality and welcoming people into our home and our lives for a few days.

On Sunday the 24th we joined John and Sara for a Fancy Oscar Night. We got all dressed up (the Oscars require a certain elegance after all) and watched most of the show. It was a lot of fun, even with Seth McFarlane’s tasteless jokes. And that Movie Musical tribute?? Perfection. I spent One Day More is such a euphoric stupor that I had to go online and watch it again the next day. Gosh it was good.

Last weekend was pretty eventful as well. On Saturday afternoon we went to one of the libraries in Bridgeport to watch a free screening of Argo. If you haven’t seen it yet you should. Like, right now. It was brilliant. Had the whole room on the edge of our seats the entire time. While I was rooting for Les Mis to win Best Picture (shocking a total of no one), Argo probably deserved it.

That evening we volunteered at Taste of Black Rock, a fundraising event for a community center in town. We had a lot of fun, the event made the center a lot of money and we got to enjoy all the free food, wine and beer we wanted. Not a bad evening.

We’re celebrating the 2nd Annual Meat Week this week. Hannah is a vegetarian, but eats meat one week a year (long story). So we’ve been enjoying making some recipes with meat this week (and of course going to Taco Bell)! There’s also been copious amounts of bacon. Because bacon.

Last night we got a few more inches of snow, desperately needed since our last 3 feet melted so fast. It’s still coming down out there, which I’m kind of loving. Work’s been slow all day because of the weather, but it gave me time to update this, so that’s a plus!

This month I’m looking forward to a few things. We’re spending St. Patrick’s Day weekend in Boston, which will be awesome! I loved Boston last time we went, and I can’t wait to see it on St. Patrick’s Day! And the JV party promises to be a blast, so it’ll be a great weekend.

More importantly, my family is coming to visit for a whole week at the end of the month! I’m going to show them Bridgeport and we’re going to visit Yale and spend a few days in New York City! I cannot wit to see them and to share my life out here with them!

I hope you are all doing well. I miss you all and would love to hear from you!

God Bless,


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